Everything else is a lie
‚Everything else is a lie‘ is the title of Hanna Putz' photo essay recently published by PAMPAM Publishing, consisting of over 50 photographs. The grand assertion is no mere cocky presumption, but opens up the complex question of what actually deserves our trust in light of today’s information overload. The Vienna born artist, finds the answer in everyday life, on the street as well as in private life, in clubs, at sports or amongst her friends. Using an analogue camera Putz takes pictures of poetic and enraptured characters, who are condensed into a closed narrative of their own by the artist’s skillful selection as well as the way in which the individual images are placed in relation to one another. Detached from their context, they are less to be understood as social portraits, than a confrontation with the significance that images and, more precisely images as memories have for us today.
(text by Magdalena Vuković)